Midwives are on-call 24 hours a day to clients – so that when it’s time to go to the hospital in labour or stay at home you will have a known and trusted care provider at your side. You will meet four midwives on your team at the practice throughout your pregnancy and one of them will be on call when you go into labour. The midwives have the ability to admit/discharge you from the hospital, attend to you in the home or hospital setting of your choice and provide pain relief if needed in labour. There will be two midwives at your birth, the primary midwife- who you’ll have met throughout the course of your care, and a second midwife will come closer to when baby is being born. This is so that there is a midwife for mom and a midwife present for baby. The midwives in our community occasionally utilize the skilled nurses at the hospital as second attendants if the back-up midwife is unable to attend.